Keyboard and controller are supported! PlayStation controllers may be finicky because of browser support though. There's a text tutorial accessible from the main menu after a lore dump, but I've also pasted it below here in the description for better visibility!


Can you survive the onslaught of goblin hordes that are invading the planet? You are humanity's last hope, take your last stand now and see if you can stop the invasion before it's too late!


My first public game ever released! Done as part of the 2024 GameDev.TV Game Jam made from scratch in 10 days.



Several months ago..................

Goblins from a far away planet somehow managed to invade Earth. All major populated cities quickly fell to ruin, the goblins knowing little but plundering.

Not long after, remote settlements met the same fate. It was starting to look like the end of humanity was on the horizon.

A small contingent of the most preeminent wise folk from the far southern continent of Panglase began research on humanities last hope.

As more and more corners of the world fell, refugees, royalty, peasants, warriors, all found themselves headed to the group of wise folk.

Upon seeing the glory that they were constructing, all vowed to do their part and erect humanities last hope.

The  S U P E R W E A P O N

Many of the surviving humans all gave a similar report. The goblins were seemingly controlled by and spawned from a gigantic floating ship.

With enough magical energies, the Superweapon would be capable of striking it down in a single blow. Stopping the invasion of the goblins.

As humanities last hope, and potentially the last remaining human village on the planet, the best warrior stands on the front lines, behind him the village and Superweapon, off in the distance, the looming mass of flesh in the sky.

Will they defend the village and unleash the Superweapon? Will humanities last stand come to fruition? Or will they succumb to no more than goblin feed?



The controls will be displayed on the screen.

Your objective is to max out the Superweapon's progress.

You will fail if too many goblins get past you and reach the village, damaging and eventually destroying the Superweapon.

You will have an inventory of dice, you can hold up to 9. The dice will come in many flavours:

d2, d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20

Dice can be weighted. Blue dice have default weights, meaning they roll all sides equally. Red dice are weighted to roll lower more often, green dice are weighted to roll higher more often. Gold dice almost always roll the maximum value possible.

You can fight enemies by running into them. Combat involves rolling dice against your opponent. The higher roll wins the round. You, as a great warrior, will win all ties.

Be aware that you cannot engage in combat if you are out of dice! You will forcibly flee at all times without a weapon!

The combat field will be displayed on the right side of the screen, when in combat, you can choose what die to roll.

Some enemies will require multiple rounds of combat to defeat, their remaining dice pool will be displayed at the top of the combat field. You can also see what dice an enemy has before fighting them by looking at the top of their token.

The bottom of the enemy token displays what reward dice they will drop if you defeat them. If your inventory is full, excess reward dice will be lost!

The wise folk have also erected a defensive barrier to help protect you and the village. At the top of the map, the barrier is split into 5 parts. The lower the health of that specific section of barrier, the more powerful enemies that will flow through.

Enemies stuck behind the barrier will slowly chip away at it before letting themselves through when it's sufficiently damaged.

The wise folk have also provided you with a new invention of theirs, the "scanner". You can use the scan every so often to peek behind the barrier and see what is damaging it and about to come through. Use it to plan your defence!

Your inventory of dice are used in several ways, you spend dice to: Conduct combat, charge the Superweapon, and repair sections of the barrier.

The village residents will occasionally gift you some left over resources in the form of an extra die pickup, look for it spinning behind the green village line!

Good luck to you brave warrior. This is humanities last stand.


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I didn't understand how to play it.


Hey thanks for checking out my game! I totally understand it can be a bit overwhelming up front, I didn't have the time to put in the proper tutorial that I wanted to. The info button on the main menu will provide a descriptive tutorial of the mechanics after the lore section finishes (they probably should have been seperate buttons in hindsight), I also put all the controls beside their respective UI elements but I do recognize this is a more interface heavy game and they're kind of spread out all over the place. Thanks again for trying my game! I super appreciate it ^^